Why is there so much division and vitriol in this country? Why is there so little recognition of who we as Americans really are? I understand that all is in Divine order, that this president and his disregard for the founding principles of the United States of America and his dismantling of our human rights and liberties, is right and good and there IS a reason for it.
Yet, my fear is gripping, immobilizing. I am bereft. Fear causes me to want to scream out for it to stop, for the destruction he is causing to be recognized, and for people to take a stand together. It amazes me that there is anyone capable of believing him. It amazed me from the beginning how he could be voted into the office he holds. It amazes me that he has uncovered and cultivated a divide in the people of this nation that is on par with the division that birthed the Civil War. Why do those who voted him into office seem oblivious to the fact that his policies and fear mongering destroys their welfare, safety, and potential for growth? It terrifies me how much his approach echoes that of Hitler.
And yet, all is in Divine order. He is an accurate representation of how, as a nation, we have lost our moral imperative. He brings to light the greed in our business organizations and the lack of compassion for our children, elderly, homeless, infirm, and poor. He casts refugees and immigrants as villains when our ancestors were refugees and immigrants. They sought asylum from persecution, for safety, freedom, and hope just generations ago. I have stood in the great immigration hall of Ellis Island and felt the waves of our ancestors’ tears and tenuous hope as if they were standing beside me. On the TV right now you see the same story with a much different ending.
Here is my truth: I want to teach, to inspire, but nothing comes when I try to write. There is so much happening. I do not want to dwell on this in a negative manner. How much of politics do I want to bring into my work? How do I put a helpful spiritual spin on the impossible things that are going on? How do I turn my fear that our nation is being turned upside down into a calming yet galvanizing message of hope? I listen to my soul and share its guidance when I can. I give love where I can. I speak up and defend others when I have an opportunity. I vote. I hold others accountable for living in love.
Donald Trump challenges us so that we will wake up! He is the complete embodiment of “I will be what you have asked me to be so that you can be that which you need to be.”[1] So the question is: what do we want to be? What is our nation really? Do we stand for the ideal presented on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Or, do we continue to plunder the earth, deny the precepts in our sacred writings, and close our eyes to the suffering of those we could help if we were not so focused on whatever level of exploitation is our personal poison?
Destruction does make way for new things. Are we in need of a new nation and a new world order? Perhaps that is what you believe. I suppose we need to thank the president for waking us up. Thank him for giving us a choice so clearly. We can stand on a level of higher consciousness and act, or we can let him and his yes men lead us further into the destruction of our nation and its sacred ideals. What’s your vote?
Love Always,
[1] Katye Anna Clark, https://www.facebook.com/katye.clark.9?lst=571182919%3A1229078570%3A1541268859
[1] Katye Anna Clark, https://www.facebook.com/katye.clark.9?lst=571182919%3A1229078570%3A1541268859
Yet, my fear is gripping, immobilizing. I am bereft. Fear causes me to want to scream out for it to stop, for the destruction he is causing to be recognized, and for people to take a stand together. It amazes me that there is anyone capable of believing him. It amazed me from the beginning how he could be voted into the office he holds. It amazes me that he has uncovered and cultivated a divide in the people of this nation that is on par with the division that birthed the Civil War. Why do those who voted him into office seem oblivious to the fact that his policies and fear mongering destroys their welfare, safety, and potential for growth? It terrifies me how much his approach echoes that of Hitler.
And yet, all is in Divine order. He is an accurate representation of how, as a nation, we have lost our moral imperative. He brings to light the greed in our business organizations and the lack of compassion for our children, elderly, homeless, infirm, and poor. He casts refugees and immigrants as villains when our ancestors were refugees and immigrants. They sought asylum from persecution, for safety, freedom, and hope just generations ago. I have stood in the great immigration hall of Ellis Island and felt the waves of our ancestors’ tears and tenuous hope as if they were standing beside me. On the TV right now you see the same story with a much different ending.
Here is my truth: I want to teach, to inspire, but nothing comes when I try to write. There is so much happening. I do not want to dwell on this in a negative manner. How much of politics do I want to bring into my work? How do I put a helpful spiritual spin on the impossible things that are going on? How do I turn my fear that our nation is being turned upside down into a calming yet galvanizing message of hope? I listen to my soul and share its guidance when I can. I give love where I can. I speak up and defend others when I have an opportunity. I vote. I hold others accountable for living in love.
Donald Trump challenges us so that we will wake up! He is the complete embodiment of “I will be what you have asked me to be so that you can be that which you need to be.”[1] So the question is: what do we want to be? What is our nation really? Do we stand for the ideal presented on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Or, do we continue to plunder the earth, deny the precepts in our sacred writings, and close our eyes to the suffering of those we could help if we were not so focused on whatever level of exploitation is our personal poison?
Destruction does make way for new things. Are we in need of a new nation and a new world order? Perhaps that is what you believe. I suppose we need to thank the president for waking us up. Thank him for giving us a choice so clearly. We can stand on a level of higher consciousness and act, or we can let him and his yes men lead us further into the destruction of our nation and its sacred ideals. What’s your vote?
Love Always,
[1] Katye Anna Clark, https://www.facebook.com/katye.clark.9?lst=571182919%3A1229078570%3A1541268859
[1] Katye Anna Clark, https://www.facebook.com/katye.clark.9?lst=571182919%3A1229078570%3A1541268859